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Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
Okolí místa praxe: For trips we usually went to Dubai. There are lots of view points (e.g. Burj Khalifa, The Frame..), festivals (Indian festival) and other possibilities (the beach, jet skiing,...). We also went hiking. Most of the hiking places are about 2 hours away from Sharjah. For weekend trips we visited Oman where we rented cars and drove around (and also we slept in a desert camp there) and Abu Dhabi (where ...
Turecko, Istanbul
O firmě: Initially I had a problem with my employer because the company that I was supposed to be working for (ilke fantazi iplik) had some financial problems and they had to close the factory down. For that reason I was later transferred to another company which was also invested in the chemical engineering field. Luckily the new company accepted me quickly and everything went well from that point. So I ...
Makedonie, Skopje
Náplň práce: During my internship at M.I.R! Software Solutions, I was tasked with developing a webpage related to the financial aspects of a hospital information system. I worked closely with a small team and was supported by my supervisor, who provided guidance when necessary. My responsibilities included coding, debugging, and ensuring that the webpage met the system’s requirements.
The internship gave ...
USA, Houston, TX
Přínos praxe: Countless. I got to experience research work at a high level institution, learnt many new skills, improved my English, traveled around the US, experienced so many things. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life.
Brazílie, Ilha Solteira - SP
Místní kuchyně: If you are in Brazil you have to try churrasco (Brazilian bbq). I also liked Feijoada. Brazilian sushi is also delicious, they use maracuja or Doritos for it.
Japonsko, Furukawa, Osaki city, Miyagi
Sport a kultura: The company provided me a bike for free. There is a swimming pool and lot of pleasant paths for evening running.
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Studenti píší
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
(Jitka Chalupová, VŠCHT Praha)
Okolí místa praxe: For trips we usually went to Dubai. There are lots of view points (e.g. Burj Khalifa, The Frame..), festivals (Indian festival) and other possibilities (the beach, jet skiing,...). We also went hiking. Most of the hiking places are about 2 hours away from Sharjah. For weekend trips we visited Oman where we rented cars and drove around (and also we slept in a desert camp there) and Abu Dhabi (where ...
Turecko, Istanbul
(Janka Kladivíková, VŠCHT Praha)
O firmě: Initially I had a problem with my employer because the company that I was supposed to be working for (ilke fantazi iplik) had some financial problems and they had to close the factory down. For that reason I was later transferred to another company which was also invested in the chemical engineering field. Luckily the new company accepted me quickly and everything went well from that point. So I ...
Makedonie, Skopje
Náplň práce: During my internship at M.I.R! Software Solutions, I was tasked with developing a webpage related to the financial aspects of a hospital information system. I worked closely with a small team and was supported by my supervisor, who provided guidance when necessary. My responsibilities included coding, debugging, and ensuring that the webpage met the system’s requirements.
The internship gave ...
USA, Houston, TX
(Ondřej Peller, VŠCHT Praha)
Přínos praxe: Countless. I got to experience research work at a high level institution, learnt many new skills, improved my English, traveled around the US, experienced so many things. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life.
Brazílie, Ilha Solteira - SP
(František Hošek, VŠCHT Praha)
Místní kuchyně: If you are in Brazil you have to try churrasco (Brazilian bbq). I also liked Feijoada. Brazilian sushi is also delicious, they use maracuja or Doritos for it.
Japonsko, Furukawa, Osaki city, Miyagi
(Martin Tavoda, VUT Brno)
Sport a kultura: The company provided me a bike for free. There is a swimming pool and lot of pleasant paths for evening running.
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