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Belgie, Leuven
Okolí místa praxe: I traveled A LOT, and it really helps there is the Youth Holiday ticket (for 60 euros you get unlimited travel by train in the summer break). Leuven itself is really nice, as for the other cities, I would visit the major ones (Gent, Brugge, Antwerp, Brussels), but I would not go overboard since they start to blend together after some time, thats why you should probably also visit the national ...
Německo, Jena
O firmě: The employer I worked with in Jena had a **Computer Vision group** of about 15 people, so it felt more like a small, close-knit team. The people were friendly, smart, and easy to collaborate with, which made the work environment enjoyable. They set clear and reasonable requirements, so the projects were challenging but manageable. Overall, it was a positive experience with a well-balanced setup.
Německo, Erlangen
Náplň práce: I worked on special nanoparticles and my task was to find a way to tune their optical properties and make them more stable. This included techniques such as wet colloidal synthesis, extinction spectrometry and SEM.
Argentina, Bahía Blanca
Přínos praxe: New experiences, language improvement, independence.
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
Místní kuchyně: I would recommend Old Town Falafel restaurant in the Muwailah commercial area, it was our weekly spot for a good meal! Also, try Amoodi´s Creamery.
Malta, Floriana
Sport a kultura: There are a lot of activities you can do. You can rent a bike and travel around Malta by bike (however some of the Maltese people don´t recommend it because of the traffic and the weather), you can go running, swimming, etc. The University of Malta has its own places where you can practice any kind of activity, so if you are interested, you can check their website. :)
Malta is a religious ...
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Studenti píší
Belgie, Leuven
(Daniel Dominko, TU Liberec)
Okolí místa praxe: I traveled A LOT, and it really helps there is the Youth Holiday ticket (for 60 euros you get unlimited travel by train in the summer break). Leuven itself is really nice, as for the other cities, I would visit the major ones (Gent, Brugge, Antwerp, Brussels), but I would not go overboard since they start to blend together after some time, thats why you should probably also visit the national ...
Německo, Jena
(Elena Carasec, VUT Brno)
O firmě: The employer I worked with in Jena had a **Computer Vision group** of about 15 people, so it felt more like a small, close-knit team. The people were friendly, smart, and easy to collaborate with, which made the work environment enjoyable. They set clear and reasonable requirements, so the projects were challenging but manageable. Overall, it was a positive experience with a well-balanced setup.
Německo, Erlangen
(Maria Soltesova, VŠCHT Praha)
Náplň práce: I worked on special nanoparticles and my task was to find a way to tune their optical properties and make them more stable. This included techniques such as wet colloidal synthesis, extinction spectrometry and SEM.
Argentina, Bahía Blanca
(Vít Frič, VŠCHT Praha)
Přínos praxe: New experiences, language improvement, independence.
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
(Lea Poláčková, VŠCHT Praha)
Místní kuchyně: I would recommend Old Town Falafel restaurant in the Muwailah commercial area, it was our weekly spot for a good meal! Also, try Amoodi´s Creamery.
Malta, Floriana
(Tereza Dudová, ČVUT Praha)
Sport a kultura: There are a lot of activities you can do. You can rent a bike and travel around Malta by bike (however some of the Maltese people don´t recommend it because of the traffic and the weather), you can go running, swimming, etc. The University of Malta has its own places where you can practice any kind of activity, so if you are interested, you can check their website. :)
Malta is a religious ...
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