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Německo, Jena
Okolí místa praxe: Jena is in a great spot for exploring nearby places. Weimar is close by and full of history. Erfurt has a beautiful cathedral and a charming old town, perfect for a day trip. For bigger cities, Leipzig and Frankfurt have a lot going on, and Berlin is a bit farther but worth it for a weekend adventure. Plus, the hills and forests around Jena are great for hiking and enjoying the outdoors.
Kolumbie, Medellin
O firmě: For the internship, I was placed at the private university EAFIT, one of the largest universities in Medellin and definitely a top university in terms of living conditions. I worked in the business, marketing and management department. My tutor, Professor Ana Maria Ortego Alvarez, made a pleasant impression, but she was everywhere other than available. The fulfillment of work duties was therefore ...
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
Náplň práce: I was working on asthma research. I had an opportunity to try also work with animal model (but I was not forced to) which was great. I used some common methods like PCR or western blot on daily basis, but I also learned some new methods as immunohistochemistry.
Ekvádor, Quito
Přínos praxe: new friends, new experiences, new knowledges about my main field of study, better communication skills
Švédsko, Goteborg
Místní kuchyně: Fika break for coffee and some sweets. Visit one of the espresso house branches and get a coffee and a cake, or Da Matteo branches.
Tunisko, Tunis city
Sport a kultura: Once we played football near the dorm. That's all :D
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Studenti píší
Německo, Jena
(Elena Carasec, VUT Brno)
Okolí místa praxe: Jena is in a great spot for exploring nearby places. Weimar is close by and full of history. Erfurt has a beautiful cathedral and a charming old town, perfect for a day trip. For bigger cities, Leipzig and Frankfurt have a lot going on, and Berlin is a bit farther but worth it for a weekend adventure. Plus, the hills and forests around Jena are great for hiking and enjoying the outdoors.
Kolumbie, Medellin
(Karolína Malá, VŠCHT Praha)
O firmě: For the internship, I was placed at the private university EAFIT, one of the largest universities in Medellin and definitely a top university in terms of living conditions. I worked in the business, marketing and management department. My tutor, Professor Ana Maria Ortego Alvarez, made a pleasant impression, but she was everywhere other than available. The fulfillment of work duties was therefore ...
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
(Markéta Fajfrová, VŠCHT Praha)
Náplň práce: I was working on asthma research. I had an opportunity to try also work with animal model (but I was not forced to) which was great. I used some common methods like PCR or western blot on daily basis, but I also learned some new methods as immunohistochemistry.
Ekvádor, Quito
(Klára Hobzová, VUT Brno)
Přínos praxe: new friends, new experiences, new knowledges about my main field of study, better communication skills
Švédsko, Goteborg
(Eva Ludvíčková, VŠCHT Praha)
Místní kuchyně: Fika break for coffee and some sweets. Visit one of the espresso house branches and get a coffee and a cake, or Da Matteo branches.
Tunisko, Tunis city
(Marat Mozerov, ČVUT Praha)
Sport a kultura: Once we played football near the dorm. That's all :D
Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic
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Partneři Standard