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Studenti píší
Indie, Karunya Nagar
(Petr Stastny, VUT Brno)
Okolí místa praxe: Close surroundings to Karunya are mostly farm fields. You can go for run or walk there. During the night wild animals (mainly elephants) are comming there from jungle in mountains. But if you come there only during day and listen to local people, you are safe.
Places I visited as a weekend trips:
- Kanyakumari
- Puducherry ...
Tunisko, Tunis city
(Marat Mozerov, ČVUT Praha)
O firmě: Serah company. It has a little office in the city center. I think they have around 12 employees, small one. I had a classic work schedule: from 8 to 14 every work day.
Japonsko, Tokyo
(Dominika Hanušová, UTB Zlín)
Náplň práce: Unfortunately, I did mostly theoretical research, because the material, I was supposed to work with, arrived late.
Švýcarsko, Windisch
(Filip Dostál, VŠCHT Praha)
Přínos praxe: I'm glad of choosing this internship for many reasons. Firstly, I tried applied research, which is very different from the fundamental one, which I had to take part at school. It is super interesting to solve real projects with companies and to see a sense of your work. Even if I decided to follow further an industrial career, I guess that this stay gave me a lot.
Secondly, due to this ...
Japonsko, Tokyo
(Oskar Sumovsky, TU Liberec)
Místní kuchyně: I tried many, every time I went, Soba, ramen, Udon, miso ramen, sushi, Yakitori, yakiniku. Its good but sometimes not many vegetables and very umami, not so sweet taste we have here in Europe with onion-based dishes
Polsko, Lodz
(Eduard Csölle, VUT Brno)
Sport a kultura: There are numerous gyms (the dormitory gym was for free), also many parks for outdoor activities. The city has many theaters, museums, art galleries. There are many options.
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