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Japonsko, Tokyo
Okolí místa praxe: Hiroshima was for me the best most enjoyable place but its not close and not so cheap (Shinkansen)
Kolumbie, Ibagué
O firmě: Néstor Luis Guerrero Chavez, very good profesor. Working with him was so nice and clear.
Jordánsko, Amman
Náplň práce: The working hours were 10-15, two other interns worked there as well. The centre is mainly focused on wastewater treatment and the environment. Since I'm a civil engineer and the work was classified under civil engineering, I was a little disappointed to find that the centre doesn't do a lot of research in this field of study. I ended up doing mainly research work and helping around. Still, there ...
Rakousko, Leoben
Přínos praxe: I practiced my German skills a lot and I have learned lots of new experiences about the polymer processing.
Německo, Erlangen
Místní kuchyně: Spezi, spezi, spezi
and beer!
Japonsko, Noda
Sport a kultura: Culture is really different compared to Europe. Japanese people are really nice and humble, and they will always help you. It is really great to experience life in Japan. But be prepared; you should follow a lot of rules to blend in.
Chystáte se na stáž IAESTE a nevíte, co Vás ve vybrané zemi čeká? V následujícím přehledu naleznete zkušenosti studentů, kteří ji již navštívili před Vámi.
Uveřejněné zprávy ze stáží neprošly ani jazykovou ani textovou úpravou. Proto, prosím, omluvte chybějící „háčky a čárky", stylistické a gramatické nedokonalosti textů.
Pokud by Vám uvedené informace nestačily a rádi byste se obrátili přímo na autora, neváhejte kontaktovat své lokální centrum, které Vám potřebný kontakt, pokud s tím student souhlasil, rádo zprostředkuje.
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Studenti píší
Japonsko, Tokyo
(Oskar Sumovsky, TU Liberec)
Okolí místa praxe: Hiroshima was for me the best most enjoyable place but its not close and not so cheap (Shinkansen)
Kolumbie, Ibagué
(Tereza Novotná, VUT Brno)
O firmě: Néstor Luis Guerrero Chavez, very good profesor. Working with him was so nice and clear.
Jordánsko, Amman
(Alzbeta Svobodova, ČVUT Praha)
Náplň práce: The working hours were 10-15, two other interns worked there as well. The centre is mainly focused on wastewater treatment and the environment. Since I'm a civil engineer and the work was classified under civil engineering, I was a little disappointed to find that the centre doesn't do a lot of research in this field of study. I ended up doing mainly research work and helping around. Still, there ...
Rakousko, Leoben
(Samuel Uhliarik, VŠCHT Praha)
Přínos praxe: I practiced my German skills a lot and I have learned lots of new experiences about the polymer processing.
Německo, Erlangen
(Maria Soltesova, VŠCHT Praha)
Místní kuchyně: Spezi, spezi, spezi
and beer!
Japonsko, Noda
(Linda Kapustová, Masaryk University)
Sport a kultura: Culture is really different compared to Europe. Japanese people are really nice and humble, and they will always help you. It is really great to experience life in Japan. But be prepared; you should follow a lot of rules to blend in.
Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic
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Partneři Standard