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Indie, Karunya Nagar
Okolí místa praxe: Close surroundings to Karunya are mostly farm fields. You can go for run or walk there. During the night wild animals (mainly elephants) are comming there from jungle in mountains. But if you come there only during day and listen to local people, you are safe.
Places I visited as a weekend trips:
- Kanyakumari https://maps.app.goo.gl/mjAHsY3P29m5navy8
- Puducherry ...
Japonsko, Tokyo
O firmě: I was working as a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Science, at University of Tokyo. My supervisor was Kaori Sugihara, very inspiring and also very busy woman. I haven’t seen her a lot, but that wasn’t causing any problems.
Turecko, Istanbul
Náplň práce: The internship was meant to learn about die casting in general (work in every department). Because my branch of study is Quality, we agreed that I would work mainly in the quality department. My daily job was collecting samples in production and making visual control and also measurement control (with calliper).
Německo, Erlangen
Přínos praxe: I got to know new people from all around the world and their cultures, I also improved my English speaking skills and got to experience how it is to live in the biggest country in Europe.
Makedonie, Skopje
Místní kuchyně: During my stay in Skopje, I had the chance to try several local dishes. I enjoyed traditional Macedonian foods such as tavče gravče (baked beans), shopska salad (a fresh salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta cheese), and burek (a pastry filled with meat or cheese).
What surprised me was the variety of flavors and how fresh the ingredients tasted.
What wasn’t surprising was the ...
Chorvatsko, Osijek
Sport a kultura: In Osijek, the most used mode of transport is a bicycle. There are many opportunities for sports activities. They have many sports fields, such as an outdoor swimming pool, athletic tracks or football fields. You can also swim in Drava and enjoy the beach nearby this river. There are also possibilities for trips to nearby towns or to Hungary.
Chystáte se na stáž IAESTE a nevíte, co Vás ve vybrané zemi čeká? V následujícím přehledu naleznete zkušenosti studentů, kteří ji již navštívili před Vámi.
Uveřejněné zprávy ze stáží neprošly ani jazykovou ani textovou úpravou. Proto, prosím, omluvte chybějící „háčky a čárky", stylistické a gramatické nedokonalosti textů.
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Studenti píší
Indie, Karunya Nagar
(Petr Stastny, VUT Brno)
Okolí místa praxe: Close surroundings to Karunya are mostly farm fields. You can go for run or walk there. During the night wild animals (mainly elephants) are comming there from jungle in mountains. But if you come there only during day and listen to local people, you are safe.
Places I visited as a weekend trips:
- Kanyakumari https://maps.app.goo.gl/mjAHsY3P29m5navy8
- Puducherry ...
Japonsko, Tokyo
(Marie Kaňková, VŠCHT Praha)
O firmě: I was working as a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Science, at University of Tokyo. My supervisor was Kaori Sugihara, very inspiring and also very busy woman. I haven’t seen her a lot, but that wasn’t causing any problems.
Turecko, Istanbul
(David Sechra, VUT Brno)
Náplň práce: The internship was meant to learn about die casting in general (work in every department). Because my branch of study is Quality, we agreed that I would work mainly in the quality department. My daily job was collecting samples in production and making visual control and also measurement control (with calliper).
Německo, Erlangen
(Maria Soltesova, VŠCHT Praha)
Přínos praxe: I got to know new people from all around the world and their cultures, I also improved my English speaking skills and got to experience how it is to live in the biggest country in Europe.
Makedonie, Skopje
Místní kuchyně: During my stay in Skopje, I had the chance to try several local dishes. I enjoyed traditional Macedonian foods such as tavče gravče (baked beans), shopska salad (a fresh salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta cheese), and burek (a pastry filled with meat or cheese).
What surprised me was the variety of flavors and how fresh the ingredients tasted.
What wasn’t surprising was the ...
Chorvatsko, Osijek
(Monika Pšenáková, VŠCHT Praha)
Sport a kultura: In Osijek, the most used mode of transport is a bicycle. There are many opportunities for sports activities. They have many sports fields, such as an outdoor swimming pool, athletic tracks or football fields. You can also swim in Drava and enjoy the beach nearby this river. There are also possibilities for trips to nearby towns or to Hungary.
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